Couples Therapy

When existing patterns of communication, interaction, intimacy, and relating erode or break down, unfamiliar behaviors, thoughts and feelings emerge in marriages, partnerships, and relationships.

"The third noble truth says that suffering ceases when we let go of trying to maintain a huge ME at any cost."
Pema Chödrön

I offer couples therapy services at my office in Mendocino, California. The treatment includes assessment of the current challenges, collaborative goal setting, recognizing and acknowledging the strengths and skills already evident in the relationship, communication skill-building, exploring ambivalences, working through areas of acceptance (What am I willing to accept about my partner and/or about our relationship?) and change (What am I willing to change about me, about my actions in the partnership?), honoring doubt and gaining a relationship it rather than being consumed by it, honoring difference and the development of goals for each individual with the relationship in mind, and empowerment work. I offer no suggestion regarding whether a couple will "make it" or not. Couples therapy is in essence a skill-building endeavor (tolerance, compassion, communication, and acceptance), and with sufficient participation and engagement, couples find they have stronger foundations upon which they can make decisions about themselves and about their relationship.